Data de publicação:01.09.2024<Voltar

Estamos em SETEMBRO. PARABENIZAMOS os Aniversariantes deste Domingo, em especial aos 35 anos da atriz Juliana Lohmann. Hoje destacamos CINCO dos EVENTOS comemorados neste domingo, em particular os 114 Anos do TIMÃO. Divirtam-se . . .

Aniversário é um Marco em nossa Jornada, celebrando as Memórias acumuladas ao longo da Vida e sinalizando o início de um Novo Ciclo . . .

Que esta NOVA FASE lhe seja repleta de CONQUISTAS, ALEGRIAS e Momentos INESQUECÍVEIS.

Today, Tomorrow, Together. Queremos e Podemos Ajudar

An Anniversary is a milestone in our journey, celebrating the memories accumulated throughout life and marking the beginning of a new cycle…

BIRTHDAY CELEBRANT of the DAY: Juliana Lohmann (01-09-1989), brazilian actress


Today, Tomorrow, Together. We Want and Can Help

Physical Education Professional Day: a tribute to professionals who contribute to the Health, Well-being, and Physical and Sports Development of the Population. The date was chosen in association with the regulation of the profession in Brazil on September 10, 1998.

Corinthians Day: marks the anniversary of the founding of Sport Club Corinthians Paulista in 1910. Corinthians is one of the most popular football clubs in Brazil, with a massive fan base known as the “Faithful.” The celebration is not only about the Club but also about the Passion of the “Faithful.”

Ballerina Day: celebrates and honors all those who dedicate themselves to the art of dance, especially ballet. The ballerina is known for her grace, technique, and dedication.

World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation: dedicated to reflection and action on environmental issues, encouraging prayer and commitment to protecting the environment, considered a gift from God. The date was established in 2015 by Pope Francis.

Endocrinologist Day: a date created in 2004 by SBEM (Brazilian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism) in honor of its foundation on this day in 1955. It aims to reinforce the importance of Endocrinology in health care and promoting a healthier life.