Data de publicação:08.10.2024<Voltar

Bom dia, Terça-Feira! PARABENIZAMOS os Aniversariantes deste 08 de Outubro, em especial aos 71 anos da atriz ALDINE MULLER. Destacamos TRÊS dos EVENTOS comemorados HOJE. CONFIRA!

Que esta NOVA FASE lhe seja repleta de CONQUISTAS, ALEGRIAS e Momentos INESQUECÍVEIS.


Today, Tomorrow, Together. Queremos e Podemos Ajudar


An Anniversary is a milestone in our journey, celebrating the memories accumulated throughout life and marking the beginning of a new cycle…


BIRTHDAY of the Day: ALDINE MULLER (october 8, 1953), brazilian actress and producer


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Northeastern Day: created in honor of the poet Patativa do Assaré, who was born on this date. It celebrates the culture, music, cuisine, and traditions of the nine states that make up the Northeast region of Brazil, recognizing its rich contribution and promoting pride in its roots.

National Umbilical Cord Donation Day: established to raise awareness about the importance of donating umbilical cord and placental blood, which is rich in hematopoietic stem cells, essential in treating diseases such as leukemia, lymphomas, and others.

National Right to Life Day: reinforces the importance of the right to life from conception to natural death. The date aims to raise awareness about the value of human life at all stages, serving as a point of reflection on issues such as abortion and euthanasia.