Data de publicação:07.11.2024<Voltar
Bom dia! QUINTA-FEIRA. Que este dia seja repleto de Realizações e Alegrias para TODOS NÓS. Hoje, Celebramos os Aniversariantes de 07/11, com um Destaque Especial para os 72 Anos do nosso VICE-PRESIDENTE e MINISTRO, GERALDO ALCKMIN. Trazemos também UM dos Eventos Comemorados nesta Data, o Dia do RADIALISTA. Confira!
Que esta NOVA FASE lhe seja repleta de CONQUISTAS, ALEGRIAS e Momentos INESQUECÍVEIS.
Today, Tomorrow, Together. Queremos e Podemos Ajudar
Birthday is that special pit stop on the journey: Time to Celebrate, Refuel, and Speed Ahead into a New Cycle!
Today’s BIRTHDAY: GERALDO José Rodrigues ALCKMIN Filho, doctor, professor, Minister of Development, Industry, Commerce, and Services, and current Vice President of BRAZIL
paper 4229 ZAPoil apresentado na Rio Oil 2024 – vídeo da apresentação com menos de 2 min
Radio Broadcaster’s Day: in BRAZIL, this day is celebrated in honor of Ary Barroso, born in 1903, one of the great icons of music and radio in our country, and the composer of classics like “Aquarela do BRASIL”.
The radio broadcaster plays a vital role in national communication and culture, still today bringing information and entertainment to millions of brazilians in regions where other media have limited reach.
Valuing radio broadcasters means recognizing their dedication and commitment to keeping us informed and connected, strengthening the cultural identity of our country.