Data de publicação:24.10.2024<Voltar

BOM DIA! Que esta Quinta-Feira seja Excelente para TODOS NÓS! Hoje celebramos os ANIVERSARIANTES de 24 de Outubro, com destaque especial para os 92 Aninhos da atriz paraense, ainda atuante, ROSA MARIA MURTINHO. Além disso, ressaltamos QUATRO Eventos comemorativos desta Data. CONFIRA!

Que esta NOVA FASE lhe seja repleta de CONQUISTAS, ALEGRIAS e Momentos INESQUECÍVEIS.


Today, Tomorrow, Together. Queremos e Podemos Ajudar

An Anniversary is a milestone in our journey, celebrating the memories accumulated throughout life and marking the beginning of a new cycle…


BIRTHDAY Person of the Day: ROSA MARIA MURTINHO, brazilian actress from Belém, PA.


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APOLIOMYELITIS: the vaccine prevents this disease. Help eradicate this threat by spreading awareness.

UN: the United Nations, created on October 24, 1945, after World War II.


INFORMATION for DEVELOPMENT: Information is Power. Share your Knowledge to Build a Fairer and More Sustainable Future.

TRIPE: today is Buchada Day because the Chef’s Heart chose a Tripe Stew.


UNITED NATIONS DAY: it marks the creation of the UN with the goal of promoting Peace, International Security, Socioeconomic Development, and Human Rights. The date is globally recognized and symbolizes the Global Commitment to the Peaceful Resolution of Conflicts.


INTERNATIONAL TRIPE DAY: this delicacy can create nutritious and flavorful dishes. Dobradinha, buchada de bode, callos a la madrileña, trippa alla fiorentina, tripes à la mode de Caen, menudo, mondongo, tripas à moda do Porto, khash, pho sac, and paklay are examples of tripe dishes from around the world.