Data de publicação:04.12.2024<Voltar

BOM DIA! Que esta QUARTA-FEIRA seja plena de SAÚDE e REALIZAÇÕES para TODOS NÓS! Hoje, celebramos os Aniversariantes de 04 de Dezembro, com destaque especial para os 38 Anos da Cantora e Compositora MARIA GADÚ. Além disso, lembramos SEIS dos Eventos comemorativos deste Dia. Confira! 🌟 😊

Que esta NOVA FASE lhe seja repleta de CONQUISTAS, ALEGRIAS e Momentos INESQUECÍVEIS.

Today, Tomorrow, Together. Queremos e Podemos Ajudar

Birthday is that special pit stop on the journey: Time to Celebrate, Refuel, and Speed Ahead into a New Cycle!

BIRTHDAY OF THE DAY:Mayra Corrêa Aygadoux – MARIA GADÚ (12/04/1986), singer and songwriter, São Paulo SP


DAY OF IANSÃ: this day honors Iansã, also known as Oyá, an orixá in Afro-Brazilian religions associated with Winds, Storms, and Lightning. Iansã is syncretized with Saint Barbara in Catholicism, whose liturgical feast also takes place on December 4th. This association arises from the similarities in their characteristics, particularly regarding courage and control over storms. The date holds great significance for Afro-Brazilian religious communities, such as Candomblé and Umbanda, as it reinforces the appreciation and preservation of their cultural and religious traditions. Additionally, the date promotes the recognition of religious diversity in BRAZIL..

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