Data de publicação:08.09.2024<Voltar
Bom Dia! PARABENIZAMOS os Aniversariantes deste Domingo, em especial a cantora FERNANDA ABREU e a atleta DANIELE HYPÓLITO. Hoje destacamos QUATRO dos EVENTOS comemorados neste 8 de Setembro e para finalizar os RITOS TIBETANOS publicamos um vídeo com a prática. Veja, Conheça e PRATIQUE!
Aniversário é um Marco em nossa Jornada, celebrando as Memórias acumuladas ao longo da Vida e sinalizando o início de um Novo Ciclo . . .
Que esta NOVA FASE lhe seja repleta de CONQUISTAS, ALEGRIAS e Momentos INESQUECÍVEIS.
Today, Tomorrow, Together. Queremos e Podemos Ajudar
An Anniversary is a milestone in our journey, celebrating the memories accumulated throughout life and marking the beginning of a new cycle…
BIRTHDAY of the Day: Cicero Luis Carvalho BUSATTO (07-09-1958), colleague from CEP 81 of our PETROBRAS.
Health and Quality of Life After 60 Years: 5 Tibetan Rites (a video of less than 3 minutes with the Rites will be published tomorrow)
Today, Tomorrow, Together. We Want and Can Help
World Literacy Day: proclaimed by UNESCO in 1967 with the aim of highlighting the importance of literacy for individuals, communities, and societies, as a basic right.
World Physical Therapy Day: celebrates the vital role that physiotherapists play in promoting health and well-being, rehabilitating patients, and improving quality of life.
World Cystic Fibrosis Day: the date aims to raise awareness about cystic fibrosis (CF), a serious genetic disease that primarily affects the lungs and the digestive system.
National Day for the Fight for Medication: the main goal is to draw attention to the fight for guaranteed access to medication.