Data de publicação:09.09.2024<Voltar
Bom dia! PARABENIZAMOS os ANIVERSARIANTES desta Segunda-feira, em especial a cantora MARIA RITA. Hoje, ressaltamos CINCO eventos comemorados neste 9 de Setembro e publicaremos como Destaque da Semana o Excelente Desempenho dos NOSSOS ATLETAS nas PARALIMPÍADAS de PARIS. Confira e Saiba mais!
Aniversário é um Marco em nossa Jornada, celebrando as Memórias acumuladas ao longo da Vida e sinalizando o início de um Novo Ciclo . . .
Que esta NOVA FASE lhe seja repleta de CONQUISTAS, ALEGRIAS e Momentos INESQUECÍVEIS.
Today, Tomorrow, Together. Queremos e Podemos Ajudar
An Anniversary is a milestone in our journey, celebrating the memories accumulated throughout life and marking the beginning of a new cycle…
BIRTHDAY of the Day: MARIA RITA Camargo Mariano(09-09-1977), brazilian singer, composer, music producer, and businesswoman
BRAZIL at the Paris 2024 Paralympics: the best campaign in history
We finished in fifth place, behind only China, Great Britain, the United States, and the Netherlands. There were 25 golds, 26 silvers, and 38 bronzes. The campaign with 89 medals could have been even better, as we lost two events by 0.02 seconds and had unexpected defeats in Blind Football, Goalball, and Sitting Volleyball.
Today, Tomorrow, Together. We Want and Can Help
Administrator’s Day
Veterinarian’s Day
Hot Dog Day
Speed Day
International Day to Protect Education from Attack: it was established by the UN in 2020 with the aim of raising global awareness about the importance of protecting schools, students, and teachers, especially in conflict areas. Education is a fundamental right and must be guaranteed even in times of war.