Data de publicação:24.11.2024<Voltar

Bom dia! 🌸 DOMINGO de Primavera! Que este dia seja repleto de SAÚDE e ALEGRIA para TODOS NÓS. Hoje celebramos os Aniversariantes de 24 de Novembro, com destaque para os 50 Aninhos da apresentadora e cantora SABRINA PARLATORE. Além disso, destacamos um dos Eventos comemorativos desta data e apresentamos nossa série especial de fim de semana: “Saúde e Qualidade de Vida Após os 60 Anos: Os Benefícios de um Bom Vinho. Confira e Comemore com a Gente! 🍷✨😊

Que esta NOVA FASE lhe seja repleta de CONQUISTAS, ALEGRIAS e Momentos INESQUECÍVEIS.


Today, Tomorrow, Together. Queremos e Podemos Ajudar

Birthday is that special pit stop on the journey: Time to Celebrate, Refuel, and Speed Ahead into a New Cycle!

BIRTHDAY of the Day: SABRINA PARLATORE (november 24, 1974), TV host and singer, Campinas, SP

Day of the Auxiliary Officers Corps: honors the officers of the Auxiliary Officers Corps of the Brazilian Army, recognizing their dedication and contribution to the Armed Forces. The QAO is composed of military personnel who, after years of service and experience, rise to the rank of officers, performing administrative and support roles essential to the efficient functioning of the Army.


HEALTH and QUALITY of LIFE After 60 YEARS: the Benefits of a Good Wine for Health a Day

Drinking From the age of 60, adopting a healthy lifestyle is essential to ensure well-being and longevity. In this context, the moderate consumption of good wine can offer various benefits, primarily due to the antioxidants present in the drink.
Incorporating a daily glass of wine into your routine, responsibly, can be a pleasurable and beneficial experience, provided it aligns with medical and nutritional recommendations. I’ve been doing this for over 20 years.
Below is a table with the benefits and possible drawbacks associated with the daily consumption of a glass of wine.

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