Data de publicação:04.04.2024<Voltar
A GeRisk PARABENIZA aos ANIVERSARIANTES desta Quinta-Feira, 04 de ABRIL, em Especial os Colegas do CEP 81: Moisés Hauser e Luiz Sérgio. LEMBRAMOS também o DIA MUNDIAL DOS ANIMAIS DE RUA . . .Fique “por dentro”
04 de ABRIL:
April 4th:
Today, Tomorrow, Together. Queremos e Podemos Ajudar.
Today, Tomorrow, Together. We want to and can help.
The date was launched by Dutch Organizations as a way to help reduce the number of Abandoned Animals. Although it is not an official date, several Organizations around the World take advantage of it to draw attention to the approximately 600 Million Stray Animals on the planet.
Street Dogs and Cats didn’t make this choice. They were Abandoned, Born on the Streets, or simply Got Lost. They are often Malnourished and Suffer from Diseases. Additionally, most of them are Not Vaccinated against rabies and other communicable diseases, making them Potential Virus Carriers, posing a Danger to Wildlife and even to Humans.
ANIVERSÁRIO é ponto significativo em nossa TRAJETÓRIA, marcando as memórias que acumulamos ao longo da VIDA. Pode simbolizar também o INÍCIO de um NOVO CICLO.
Desejamos que esta NOVA FASE lhe seja plena de CONQUISTAS, ALEGRIAS e Momentos MEMORÁVEIS.
BIRTHDAY is a significant point in our JOURNEY, marking the memories we accumulate throughout LIFE. It can also symbolize the BEGINNING of a NEW CYCLE. We hope that this NEW PHASE is filled with ACHIEVEMENTS, JOY, and MEMORABLE Moments for you.
CONGRATULATIONS to all the BIRTHDAY celebrants and HONOREES ! ! !
SAÚDE Física, Mental e também Emocional;
Desfrute um TEMPO maior com a Família;
Compartilhe Suas EXPERIÊNCIAS;
Tenha um maior CONVÍVIO Social e
Priorize as Atitudes ECO-FRIENDLY