Data de publicação:08.06.2024<Voltar

A GeRisk PARABENIZA aos ANIVERSARIANTES deste SÁBADO, 08 de Junho, em Especial ao Colega ODAIR Santos do CEP 81. LEMBRAMOS que Hoje é o Dia do OCEANÓGRAFO, dos OCEANOS e do CITRICULTOR, dentre muitos outros Mundo Afora – Hoje também, publicamos a nossa série SAÚDE e QUALIDADE de VIDA Após os 60 Anos: 12. Clique no link para Saber Mais . . .

Today, Tomorrow, Together. Queremos e Podemos Ajudar.

ANIVERSÁRIO é ponto significativo em nossa TRAJETÓRIA, marcando as memórias que acumulamos ao longo da VIDA. Pode simbolizar também o INÍCIO de um NOVO CICLO.

Desejamos que esta NOVA FASE lhe seja plena de CONQUISTAS, ALEGRIAS e Momentos MEMORÁVEIS.

Today, Tomorrow, Together. We Want and Can Help.

BIRTHDAY is a significant point in our JOURNEY, marking the memories we accumulate throughout LIFE. It can also symbolize the BEGINNING of a NEW CYCLE. We wish that this NEW PHASE be full of ACHIEVEMENTS, JOYS, and MEMORABLE Moments.

Today is Oceanographer Day, World Oceans Day, and Citrus Grower Day, among many others worldwide.

Today’s Birthday: Odair Santos (CEP 81)

Health and Quality of Life After 60 Years: 12

World Oceans Day and Oceanographer Day: the day was first celebrated during the Rio 92 Earth Summit. At the time, it was inspired by an event organized on the same day in Canada. In 2008, the UN General Assembly decided that starting from 2009, June 8th would be designated as World Oceans Day. Oceans cover more than 70% of the Earth’s surface and contain 97% of all the water on the planet. Oceanographer Day, established in Brazil in 2008, coincides with World Oceans Day and honors these essential professionals for Marine Preservation.

Citrus Grower Day: it is celebrated on June 8th in Brazil. Created in 2016, the date celebrates Citrus Fruit Producers, recognizing their vital contribution to the country’s Economy and Agriculture, especially in job creation and providing essential products like Oranges and Lemons.

Quality of Life After 60 Years
Health: Physical, Mental, Emotional, Preventive, and Social

Social Health: It involves the physical, mental, and social well-being of individuals and their ability to live in society. The priorities and challenges also change significantly with age:

Childhood (0 – 12 years): Social and Emotional Development, Education and Safety, Nutrition and Physical Health;

Adolescence (13 – 19 years): Identity and Autonomy, Mental Health, Sexual Education and Prevention;

Youth (20 – 39 years): Employability and Career, Mental Health and Well-being, Relationships and Family;

Middle Age (40 – 59 years): Physical Health and Prevention, Financial Stability, Caring for Elderly Parents;

Advanced Age (60+ years):

  • Maintenance of Autonomy: independence and active participation in society;
  • Comprehensive Health Care: management of chronic conditions and access to adequate medical care;
  • Home Health Services: medical and nursing care at home for those in need.

Social Health is an important component of well-being at all stages of life and becomes crucial in advanced age. Prioritizing and investing in meeting the main specific needs of each age group not only significantly improves quality of life throughout your life but also helps you reach advanced age in a healthier state.