Data de publicação:14.04.2024<Voltar

A GeRisk PARABENIZA aos ANIVERSARIANTES deste Domingo, 14 de ABRIL,em Especial a MARINA e a dona SIMONE. LEMBRAMOS que Hoje é o DIA Mundial do CAFÉ, Dia PANAMAERICANO e o Dia Mundial do Combate à DOENÇA DE CHAGAS . . . Conheça Mais

World COFFEE Day: Like International Coffee Day (01/10), World Coffee Day is an opportunity to recognize the contribution of coffee producers, workers in the coffee industry, and baristas. It was established by the International Coffee Organization (ICO) in 2014. The date, 14/04, marks the anniversary of the founding of the ICO, which occurred in 1963.

PAN-AMERICAN Day: Marks the anniversary of the establishment, in 1890, of the Association of American Republics, which would later become the Organization of American States.

World Chagas Disease Combat Day: Included in the global health calendar in 2019 with the aim of raising awareness about combating the disease.

Also known as American Trypanosomiasis, it is a “silent and silenced disease,” not only due to its slow and often asymptomatic clinical course but also because it primarily affects poor people. It was on this date, in 1909, that the first patient, a Brazilian girl, was diagnosed.