Data de publicação:13.09.2024<Voltar

13 de Setembro, SEXTA-FEIRA! BOM DIA e BOA SORTE! PARABENIZAMOS os Aniversariantes deste Dia, com um destaque especial para ex-tenista JIMMY CONNORS. Hoje, ressaltamos quatro eventos além do 13 e compartilhamos a última publicação referentes aos nossos Atletas nas PARALIMPÍADAS de PARIS. Confira e Saiba Mais!

Aniversário é um Marco em nossa Jornada, celebrando as Memórias acumuladas ao longo da Vida e sinalizando o início de um Novo Ciclo . . .

Que esta NOVA FASE lhe seja repleta de CONQUISTAS, ALEGRIAS e Momentos INESQUECÍVEIS.

Today, Tomorrow, Together. Queremos e Podemos Ajudar

An Anniversary is a milestone in our journey, celebrating the memories accumulated throughout life and marking the beginning of a new cycle…

BIRTHDAY of the DAY: JIMMY CONNORS(09/13/1952), former tennis player from the USA

PARIS 2024 PARALYMPICS: 4,400 Athletes, 180 Countries, and 22 Sports

The participation of Brazilian athletes in the Paris 2024 Paralympics was an inspiring example of determination, perseverance, and talent. With a total of 89 medals won, our athletes showed the world their strength and commitment. Each one of them, whether in their victories or personal journeys of overcoming obstacles, is proof that limits exist to be challenged. Brazil should be proud of their courage, dedication, and Paralympic spirit: Never Give Up, Always Move Forward. May their examples inspire future generations.

Friday, September 13: a date surrounded by superstitions and popular beliefs in various parts of the world. In many cultures, the combination of Friday and the number 13 is seen as a day of bad luck, while for some people, it’s a day of good luck. In BRAZIL, Friday the 13th is a date of superstitions, but with a lighter approach compared to some parts of the world.